Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Beware the Malevolent Popcorn Kernel!

The other night, Selah and I were watching a movie and I popped some popcorn (old school style) to go along with the atmosphere. I was munching away and enjoying the flick and snack when a little popcorn kernel snuck into my handful of popcorn. I heard a loud crunch but did not think much of it until later when I ran my tongue over my back teeth and notice my back molar was very jagged. Turns out that loud crunch I heard was the breaking of my tooth. I made a dentist appointment to get it fixed before it got worse even though it was not painful. What turned out to be painful was the bill I received for my new crown (NOT to be confused with the Kate Middleton tiara type of crown) especially since we don't have dental insurance. Question: Why is dental insurance separate from health insurance anyway? I guess I am going to look into purchasing dental insurance...

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