Friday, July 15, 2011

Some days are more challenging than others...

So Selah has been a little sick lately with some nasty congestion, therefore my day is more centered on her than normal. (My parenting philosophy is that our child is an addition to our family, not the center of it). However, when she is sick and helpless and pitiful, all that goes out the window. So, last night (and the three nights before that) she woke up at 4ish because she couldn't breathe well. So I nursed her (even tho it wasn't time) and rocked her for a while. Then Craig put her in her bouncy chair and massaged her hands till she fell asleep. So she woke up around 9, and I fed her again and put her in my bed because I was exhausted. Then we actually got up for the day around... oh 11ish. Everyday when we get up she talks to her chicken (on her bouncy chair) for about an hour (it's awesome for me!) So I ate breakfast (almond butter toast, berries, applesauce, and a hashbrown) at about 11:30. Then, I remade a photo book that I worked on for HOURS yesterday, only to to lose everything last night when I got ready to order it. So, breakfast, check, photo book complete and ordered this time, check, called the doctor for Selah, check, talked to hubby on phone for his lunch break, ch...wait the hour is up Craig I have to go. (Selah is crying at this point). So I put her in her pack-n-play for a nap. It works too... for 10 minutes. She can't breathe so she wakes up. I put my project down (I'm compiling a cookbook), and pick Selah up and lay her on my chest on the couch while I watch Rachael Ray. She sleeps like a baby. :) But, my stomach is growling like there is no tomorrow. Don't want to wake her but. So. Hungry. So I attempt to get up (after shes been sleeping for 40 minutes on my chest) to put her in her baby bed. 5 minutes later, she is back in my arms and I am trying to find something to eat. It's almost impossible to make food while holding a baby so I heated some rotel dip (thanks jess, lifesaver) and grabbed a diet coke. That's an ok lunch right? At least I had a good breakfast. Did I mention I'm still in my jammies? Did I tell you about the three poopy diapers in two hours? Did I tell you I am typing this with one hand while I hold her with the other? Daddy will be home in three hours. I'm counting down. It is one of THOSE days, but I love her. She's worth it. Thank you Jesus for this blessing.

P.S. I would post some pictures but, I'm still in my jammies. :)

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